How to Get Satellite TV for Cars

A satellite TV allows its users access to local television and radio shows using a satellite dish. Whether you drive a truck, RV or a regular car, you can access satellite TV on the road.

Most native tuners would prefer to stick with local channels than these popular streaming sites, so they go everywhere with their satellite dish, even on the road. 

What is a Satellite TV?

Satellite TV is a form of broadcasting that sends signals from satellites in space to televisions on earth.

It is beneficial because it offers a wide variety of channels, with many different content options, and is available globally. Satellite TV for cars is specially designed for vehicles and is perfect for long drives with family or friends.

Satellite TV providers are the companies that offer this service to consumers. These providers include DirecTV, Dish Network, and more. They provide channels in different languages and genres so you can watch your favorite TV show or movie any time and on the go.

Continue reading to learn how to get satellite TV for cars and our best recommendations for you. 

How to Get Satellite TV for Cars

To watch your favorite channels while on the go, you need to get a Satellite TV for cars. 

The only setback is that conventional satellite TV comes with a dish designed to go in cars.

However, technology has resolved this issue. Smaller dome-shaped satellite dishes mounted on any vehicle make it possible to have satellite TVs on cars.

How to Install a Satellite Dish Network in Your Car

The dish network in your car is a satellite TV receiver that you can install in your car. This receiver can receive satellite TV signals from the sky and convert them into video signals.

To install satellite TV in your car, use the following steps:

  1. Buy a satellite TV
  2. Read the user manual
  3. Install the dish yourself on top of your car
  4. Alternatively, you can get an operator to do the installation for you
  5. You’re good to go!

Best Satellite TVs for Cars

Various satellite TVs are available for cars; however, this review will help you make informed decisions when purchasing yours. Some of the best ones are:

Winegard Pathway X2

The Winegard Pathway X2 satellite TV for cars self-installs and is entirely automatic. It offers coverage all over the United States. 

Winegard Pathway X2 Benefits

Some of the benefits that caught our attention:

  • It is automatic and self-installs
  • It supports multi-TV viewing 

Winegard Pathway X2 Cons

Some downsides you might not like:

  • Multi receivers must watch one program at a time.
  • It doesn’t come with a mount as it is purchased separately. 

King Quest PRO

This Satellite TV for cars comes with its roof-mount ready, in a state of the art design. It is compatible with any car. 

King Quest Pro Benefits

Some of the benefits that caught our attention:

  • It supports multi TV viewing with more than one station at a time. 
  • King Quest PRO comes with its roof mount.
  • It has a dual output that supports two satellite receivers. 

King Quest Pro Cons

Some downsides you might not like:

  • It does not provide service when the vehicle is in motion
  • It is expensive 

Dish Playmaker

The dish playmaker is a portable satellite TV for cars with excellent signal strength and great design. 

Dish Playmaker Benefits

Some of the benefits that caught our attention:

  • This satellite is portable and easy to set up 
  • It comes with built-in streaming apps

Dish Playmaker Cons

Some downsides you might not like:

  • It doesn’t support viewing in motion
  • Allows one receiver 
  • It does not support multi-satellite viewing 

TracVision A9

The TracVision A9 comes in a flat dome-shaped antenna. It also provides full in-motion reception of satellite TV signals.

TracVision A9 Benefits

Some of the benefits that caught our attention:

  • TracVision A9 gives access to all available local channels 
  • The satellite is easy to install
  • Its control unit allows access from mobile devices or laptops.

TracVision A9 Cons

Some of the downsides you might not like:

  • Its channel coverage is subject to the availability of channels in the region
  • A9 is a single receiver system

TracVision A5

This satellite TV is perfect for cars, especially when in motion. The TracVision A5 is enclosed in a dome-shaped antenna that gives clear Satellite signals.

It can be mounted on the roof rack of any car and works better on open roads than in cities.

TracVision A5 Benefits

Some of the benefits that caught our attention:

  • TracVision rises only about 5 inches above a car roof
  • It provides clear pictures even when the car is in motion
  • The signal is strong as long as the antenna is in sight 
  • It has an inbuilt GPS to help keep the driver on the course.

TracVision A5 Cons

Some of the downsides you might not like:

  • It is costly 
  • The visual freezes under an overpass.

Why You Should Get a Satellite TV for Your Car

As a car owner, you may be looking for a way to save on your data usage while driving. Satellite TV is a great solution, and you can watch all your favorite content without having to worry about going over your data limit for the month.

Satellite TV offers far more content than traditional cable providers, and you have greater control over live television. The satellite TV service providers have a massive selection of shows and movies, which means that you will never have to worry about running out of content to watch. You will also watch your favorite show when it is airing live.

Another reason car owners get Satellite TV for their cars is that it keeps them busy during long rides, especially for kids in the back seat. 


Satellite TV is a good investment, and it can provide you with entertainment and information while you are on the road.

Satellite TV has been around for a long time, and it’s still going strong. If you can’t afford the expensive streaming services or have a poor internet connection where you commute, consider satellite TVs for cars.